{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% import "macros/datatables.html.twig" as tables %} {% import "macros/widgets.html.twig" as widgets %} {% import "macros/toolbar.html.twig" as toolbar %} {% import "user/actions.html.twig" as actions %} {% set columns = { 'alias': 'alwaysVisible', 'username': 'hidden-xs', 'email': 'hidden-xs hidden-md hidden-sm', 'title': 'hidden-xs hidden-sm', } %} {% for pref in preferences %} {% set columns = columns|merge({ ('mf_' ~ pref.name): {'title': pref.label, 'class': 'hidden-xs hidden-sm', 'orderBy': false} }) %} {% endfor %} {% set columns = columns|merge({ 'roles': {'class': 'hidden-xs hidden-sm', 'orderBy': false}, 'team': {'class': 'hidden-xs', 'orderBy': false}, 'active': {'class': '', 'orderBy': false}, 'actions': 'actions alwaysVisible', }) %} {% set tableName = 'user_admin' %} {% block page_title %}{{ 'admin_user.title'|trans }}{% endblock %} {% block page_search %}{{ toolbar.dropDownSearch(toolbarForm) }}{% endblock %} {% block page_actions %}{{ actions.users('index') }}{% endblock %} {% block main_before %} {{ tables.data_table_column_modal(tableName, columns) }} {% endblock %} {% block main %} {% if entries.count == 0 %} {{ widgets.callout('warning', 'error.no_entries_found') }} {% else %} {{ tables.datatable_header(tableName, columns, query, {'reload': 'kimai.userUpdate'}) }} {% for entry in entries %} {{ widgets.user_avatar(entry) }} {{ widgets.username(entry) }} {{ entry.username }} {{ entry.email }} {{ entry.title }} {% for pref in preferences %} {% set metaField = entry.preference(pref.name) %} {% if not metaField is null and metaField.value is not null and metaField.value is not empty %} {{ widgets.form_type_value(pref.type, metaField.value, entry) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% set showUserRole = entry.roles|length == 1 %} {% for role in entry.roles %} {% if showUserRole or role != 'ROLE_USER' %} {{ widgets.label_role(role) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for team in entry.teams %} {% if entry.isTeamleadOf(team) %} {{ widgets.label_team(team, 'success') }} {% else %} {{ widgets.label_team(team) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ widgets.label_visible(entry.enabled) }} {{ actions.user(entry, 'index') }} {% endfor %} {{ tables.data_table_footer(entries, 'admin_user_paginated') }} {% endif %} {% endblock %}